Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Motorcycle Hitmen

This past year, I've noticed increasing reports about motorcycle-riding gunmen. I was surprised to find out that... "Of the 424 crimes reported, 156 were robberies in the form of hold-ups and snatchings. A total 150 of these crimes involved shootings, including 50 murders." And this was from a report file in the middle of the year. FULL REPORT HERE.

Today, the Inquirer reported a very unusual motorcycle related crime: "Six men on board motorcycles gunned down a still unidentified man along Commonwealth Avenue, just outside the University of the Philippines Diliman campus in Quezon City on Sunday. Initial investigation showed that at around 4:33 p.m. Sunday, the victim was standing on a center island on Commonwealth Avenue, just in front of the UP Asian Institute of Tourism, when the six men drove by." FULL REPORT HERE.

I also remember similar shootings reported, wherein people were just shot on the street and they weren't robbed. I'm trying to track down those reports, but from what I recall, the victims were ordinary people with ordinary jobs.

They were not politicians or people who carried a lot of money. The motorcycle gunmen, just rode up next to them, shot them, and drove away.

How strange.